MobiControl v14.0.1 Release Notes

MobiControl v14.0.1 Build 1674 (November 28, 2017)

MD5 Checksum: f77091c9868b1aebf82dad52b6aacb3c

Features and Improvements

Web Console

  • Support for a single concurrent administrative session introduced in v13.4
  • A device’s Online / Offline status will now be updated in real-time in the device list and device information panels
  • Added loading indicators to individual tables within the device information panels
  • All selected properties will now appear at the top of the Column View list to easily identify what is currently selected
  • The Remote Control/View action will now be present at all times for supported devices and will reflect the current online/offline status of the device
  • Multiple notifications of the same type generated by Alert Rules will now be consolidated if they are triggered within the time it takes for the alert to be dismissed


  • Added support for the “Disable Air Plane mode” feature control
  • Added support for the “Disable Safe Mode” feature control for SONIM devices


  • Changing the Log Level, and Deployment Server parameters using MobiControl Administration Utility will no longer require a restart of the Deployment Service. Changes that affect Management Service and the Deployment Service Extension will require a restart.
  • Added the ability to manage the MobiControl service’s certificates through the MobiControl Administration Utility via the command line
  • API methods of “Notes” are now available
  • “referenceId” can now be used in all API endpoints where device group “path” is supported


  • Removed the “Setting has Changed” Alert Rule trigger for Printers

Bug Fixes

Web Console (New)

MC-40039 KNOX device properties did not appear in the device information panel
MC-42638 Processor property did not appear in the device information panel for Windows Modern devices
MC-42793 Moving a device between device groups while in the “View All Devices” list removed the device from the list until the page was refreshed or search was re-executed
MC-42972 Could not use keyboard arrow keys to move up and down the device action menu
MC-43058 Custom Data values in the device information panel were not updated when switching between device using the arrow buttons or keyboard arrow keys
MC-44047 A customized web console logo overlapped with other UI elements in Internet Explorer when the window was resized
MC-44082 Some installed applications did not show a version number when the application name contains a special character
MC-44089 Custom Attributes did not appear in the “Group Details” information panel when an ENUM value contains a string
MC-44165 Rule “activation” dates presented in the device information panel were not converted to the user’s present time zone
MC-44190 Long numeric Custom Attribute values were not saved when editing the value, and no validation was presented
MC-44281 An internal error notification was presented when a saved search was executed that contained a device group that the user no longer has permission to view or has been deleted
MC-44407 “Download CSV” may not work when a selected device group has a “+” in its name
MC-44477 Unable to use the web console after upgrade to v14 if the web console instance name was previously customized
MC-44503 Opening the “Group Details” information panel resulted in an error if the device group contained a “+” in its name
MC-44557 Some chart labels were cut off when there are many data points
MC-44813 Call Logs for a device were not shown for a device in the Data Collection information panel
MC-44919 Navigating to the “Global Settings” area of the legacy console may not work if the user was previously viewing the “Packages” or “Rules” tab
MC-45067 Navigating to the “Packages” tab of the legacy console may not work if the previous legacy view was on an iOS specific tab
MC-45077 Devices may appear in the web console even after being deleted
MC-45110 Alert and action notifications appeared on different screens when multiple browser windows are opened
MC-45264 Alert notifications may not appear on tablets or in Internet Explorer
MC-45418 Minor UI issues when viewing or selecting date/time ranges in the device information/location panel
MC-45469 Directory users could not log in to the web console if their username was prefixed with a domain, and the domain is the same name as the LDAP connection
MC-45535 System password requirements were incorrectly represented in the “Change Password” dialog if the requirements were recently changed
MC-45685 Device event logs that indicate the number of files synchronized appeared twice
MC-45886 “Download CSV” may not work when “View All Devices” is selected
MC-45934 On some tablets, the navigation menu did not close

Web Console (Legacy)

MC-41740 Administrative users were able to navigate directly to the legacy console without accepting the MobiControl EULA
MC-42877 Added a tool tip to display the total license count to accommodate high volume environments where the value might otherwise be truncated
MC-43539 The “Bypass Factory Reset” option in the “Wipe” action was available for Android devices other than Android Enterprise
MC-44204 Error was presented when attempting to download a file from the “File Sync Manager” on MobiControl Cloud environments
MC-44349 After upgrading from v13.4 to v14.0.0, Android Enterprise apps could not be deleted from the app catalog
MCMR-10833 User Password Policy dialog box for Android Plus was missing text for a field
MCMR-11982 Occasionally, remote control session launched in a background window instead of in the foreground
MCMR-12041 Error dialog did not appear when user entered invalid phone numbers into Phone Calls profile configuration

Windows Modern

MC-44283 Installation of the MobiControl agent failed on Windows Modern devices after enrollment with a “Fatal error during installation” error appearing in the device event log


MC-42698 New installations leverage an FQDN for the Agent Connection Addresses rather than IP address
MC-43556 Occasionally, virtual Groups filters with the “MAC” device property were not correctly evaluated when trailing spaces in the value were present
MC-43950 TEM alert rules may not be executed when the defined threshold is exceeded
MC-44583 Unable to bind to a Google Enterprise when using Internet Explorer
MC-46119 Management Service may consume too much memory after executing device group actions
MCMR-10458 In rare cases, the enterprise resource gateway connection did not appear in the console
MCMR-10585 Managed iOS apps with an available update did not show the correct status after device check-in
MCMR-10822 Added support for Personalized Device Name macro on Android devices
MCMR-11241 After upgrade, some reports did not generate their scheduled reports
MCMR-11282 Added support for using the lock screen message as a macro on Android devices
MCMR-11349 Hid the Data Diagnosis tab in the Admin Utility to halt false error alerts
MCMR-11412 Replaced the %DEVICENAME% macro with %MCDEVICENAME% for Windows Mobile/CE devices
MCMR-11740 On Windows Mobile/CE devices, the agent was unable to replace old certificates with updated versions
MCMR-11808 Character encoding on DEP enabled devices did not match encoding used in MobiControl, causing enrollment issues
MCMR-11836 On some Window Mobile/CE devices, the wrong connection type was reported to the Console
MCMR-11885 After upgrade, duplicate application entries caused minor errors in the database
MCMR-12168 Improved device connection behavior if Deployment Server exceeded queue length maximum limit


MC-36653 A malicious administrative user with access to the web console can download files from the file system of the MobiControl host using a specially crafted URL
MC-45076 Administrative users may not be forced to logout of the web console when their permissions have been updated