SOTI Snap v2.0.3

SOTI Snap 2.0.3 (January 28, 2020) Get the installer for SOTI Snap v2.0.3 from our SOTI Downloads page

Release Highlights

NFC Widget Improvements

Trigger a custom sequence of actions when a device reads an NFC tag. The new OnRead event for the NFC widget allows app developers to read information from the NFC tag and then use that information to execute further actions. App developers can set the OnRead event to trigger after clicking the NFC widget or when the form loads.

The mandatory Map Read Value action parses information from the NFC tag and places the read values into specified widgets or variables. From there, app developers can configure further actions to suit their needs.

Continuous Barcode Scanning

App users can scan multiple barcodes consecutively. Previously, app users had to relaunch the Barcode widget after each scan. Now the barcode scanner remains active until it’s disabled. App developers can control this behavior by enabling the Allow Continuous Scanning setting in the Barcode widget properties panel.

Improved Screen Orientation Detection

SOTI Snap apps now render according to the current orientation of a device, improving the viewing experience of all users, particularly users with wearable devices.

Open Locations in Native Google Maps App

App users can now open locations pinned in the Map widget in their native Google Maps app. App developers control this behavior on each pin location independently by enabling the View in Google Apps setting in the Map widget locations editor.

Capture Device Metadata

The SOTI Snap agent now captures device metadata such as model, serial number, and others that app developers can use in their custom scripts to target devices more precisely.

Developer API: Fetch Values in Reverse Chronological Order

To support situations where app developers need to dynamically refer to values from the latest app versions, the following app version records are now ordered from latest to earliest.

  • GET/v2/apps{appId}
  • GET/v2/apps{appId}/appversions

General Changes

  • With the migration of user management to SOTI Identity, obsolete features such as profile picture management have been removed from the SOTI Snap console. Existing pictures will remain visible but cannot be replaced or edited.
  • iOS users are no longer prompted to update their SOTI Snap agent when the SOTI Snap server is upgraded but a newer agent is not available in the iOS App store. Users running earlier agents can continue to install apps published from previous versions of the SOTI Snap server.

Bug Fixes

MADP-22002 A null error toast message appeared after editing records in an app with two-way sync configured
MADP-22579 Decreased latency when synching app data to server
MADP-23050 Incorrect error messages were displayed after adding Reset and Validate actions in the wrong order
MADP-23090 Field Names that contained non-English characters did not display correctly on the Field Mapping screen
MADP-23554 Duplicate data was added to Report after editing app records with check boxes, radio buttons, or dropdowns